About Holy Family
Key Features
The school that is like one big family
Small Class Sizes
Combined classrooms
Strong community involvement
Monthly citizenship awards
Monthly liturgies/masses
Free bussing for all students who live outside the Village of Waskatenau
Safe and caring environment with faith-based programming
Grade K-12 students build relationships across grades through mentoring, budding reading and school family groups.
Our Mission
We Are Inspired By The Holy Family To Build A Community That Honours Each Person As A Masterpiece Of God; Empowered To Be Challenged Academically And Dedicated To Success.
We are dedicated to building a community of energetic, life-long learners!
Our Statement of Faith
God is who he says he is
God can do what he says he can do
I am created by God
I can do all things through Christ
God’s word is alive and active in me.
Hawks Creed
Honor God’s word
Always ready to learn and grow
What would Jesus Do?
Keep the 4 tribes in action
Serve and love the lord Jesus
Mascot and School Colours

Mascot/School Team: HAWKS
School Colours: Blue and Yellow
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