Holy Family Activities & Clubs

Lunch Hour Clubs:
Choir Club (Music and Dance)
Guitar/Violin Club
Geography Club
Running Club
Harry Potter Club
Leader Core
Leader core is our grade 7-12 social justice group. Students organize activities and projects within the school to promote social justice.
Events include:
October – thankful tuesday and stop the hunger supporting our local food bank. All students are asked to bring in items for the food bank. On halloween all students visit houses in the community of waskatenau asking for items for the food bank. Each year we raise collect between 600-1000 pounds of food.
December – fill the manger and prayer tree. Students organize a school wide program to help support our local christmas hampers or santa’s anynomos programs by filling our manger. We also set up a prayer tree where family prayers are hung and shared with others.
Lent – chalice project – as part of the chalice project leader core students team up with a school in another country. Students receive videos about the school and send a video about our school to them. Then they fundraise to help meet some of the learning needs of the students in that school. This year students are teamed up with sanangula primary school in mbinga, tanzania. Our goal will be to help them get water holding tanks for the school.